Friday, January 16, 2009

Things I would write on a post-it to describe my current state of being:

Need healthy, well cooked meals.

Am ready for friends to be here.

Should go to the movies.

Should get another job-running out of money.

Am I passionate about enough things?

I need to do more.

Want to dance?

Need to read - in front of a fire.

I like coffee. Alot.

I do not like the cold.

I think I need earmuffs.

Snow is beautiful and peaceful but when it freezes over it is angry and hurtful.

A lot of stretching, discussing, pushing issues, and disagreeing or agreeing is exhausting.

I need a nap.

I love blank paper.

I love crossword puzzles.

Grocery shopping makes me happy.

Garlic makes life more fragrant.

Music makes or breaks car time.


Marisa said...

I love grocery shopping too!! It is honestly one of my favorite things to do, and I prefer it over clothes shopping!

Anonymous said...

I join told all above. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.