Tuesday, November 09, 2010

New Haven Promises.....

New Haven Promise 

This is what threw off our routine - who knew they mattered THAT much. It took a good chunk of the morning and fail on New Haven's part - it didn't play over the slow bandwidth and naturally the whole district was trying to watch. So I announced to my kids and the 1st graders in the room we were using, that New haven was promising money if they are good students and go to college. Well that's *kinda* what New Haven promised - it's actually a really big deal and I am VERY pumped about it....but those are not the words they used.

Oh so highlights today?

T played peek-a-boo. T also got a foster placement in Hartford : (

"I gonna go to treasure box" - B after the day from HELL
Playing school during dismissal "SIT ON YOUR BUTT RIGHT NOW!!" Me: "We don't talk like that" (right?)
F- drinkable strawberry yogurt. Really. DRINK it - do NOT put it in your backpack open. Just don't. Trust me.

We read a non fiction story about tigers....and a girl informed that "some people gots dogs, but I don't gots a dog, I gots a tiger - it sleeps at the end of my bed....and we have a pool for it to swim." Now before you dismiss my concern with a laugh - consider the child, a simple, easily distracted and very below proficient student - not creative as far as I can tell, and lacking in initiative/common sense. Overall not showing any signs of creative genius. She did not "invent this story" as you might assume - I did talk to mom, I expressed concern - with a laugh- and mom awkwardly laughed back - "We don't got no tigers - just a dog named Sparky" all too textbook - I really am concerned! If you could the intense belief and excitement about her connection to the book, you too would wonder..... My para had at first dismissed it as a stuffed animal but soon became as concerned as myself....hm.

I send home food with a child who appears to be hungry all the time - today he said "I brought you food Miss Stowe!" What did he pull out of his bag midway through the day? A small microwaveable cup of instant Minute Brown Rice - COOKED and partially open. How sweet! I didn't ask any questions, I simply said, thank you! I love Rice! And I do....but I prefer to make it myself and not place it in backpacks .... which frequently are covered in wet clothes, left on buses, coated in drinkable yogurt, and thrown about in the room.

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