Monday, September 20, 2010

"just 1 box for my 2 feet!"

"Are you ready for the hall?"

"Yes we're standing straight and tall!"

Used this photo today to reiterate through what it looks like to be in school because Mondays are SO SO SO hard. For EVERYONE.

I am exhausted.
I ran laps chasing my runner/yeller/obstinate kid today. He finally collapsed in the library - where I phoned for help...and where he was told he would be sent home. To which he yelled that he did not want to go back to "the Village" and would call his daddy to come get him (dad and mom don't have custody...). I also took his feet off the top of the cafeteria tables...and his strong forceful body fought me the whole way.

I had 2 students new to kindergarten - new to class - new to school (ever!) arrive...cute...but 1 is out there...we talked all day about friends and at the end of the day I asked them to draw a picture of them and a friend. Mind you we had gone around the circle and shared a friends name, something we do with friends, read 3 stories about friends, and discussed at length how to draw friends in the picture part of the paper. As I handed each student a piece of paper, they told me what they were drawing...and she told me correctly on the 5th try - despite all 22 kids saying "Me and a friend." Then when I came to see how she was doing, she had drawn approximately 300 "1s" on her paper - literally. I asked her what happened and she said, "I don't know, my hand just drew numbers." Whaaattt???

A girl who speaks Turkish (who by the way I greeted IN Turkish today, thanks to the Turkish man selling pocketbooks in NYC this weekend), a boy who speaks Spanish, a boy who pees himself on purpose, a girl who throws tantrums, a boy who "owns" the classroom, a runner who lives at the Village, and now a girl whose hands have a mind of their own. Yup. Class act.

Oh and the BEADS. Let me tell you how many times I say "mouths are quiet, hands are quiet, beads are quiet." They clink and clank like the things we used to put on bike spokes.

But I love it.

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